East Zion Fire District Chief, Brad Freeman’s power point presentation can be viewed here:

Little Ponderosa Ranch Landowners are currently (June 2021) reviewing an annexation proposal from East Zion Special Service District (EZSSD) / East Zion Fire District (EZFD) for fire protection only services. Brad Freeman, EZFD Fire Chief has scheduled a meeting on June 8, 2021 to review his overall approach for Fire Protection in Little Ponderosa Ranch Subdivision. Documents filed with Kane County indicate that the Annexation will be adopted by default unless protested by August 9, 2021. Details of the (1). Kane County/Zion Ponderosa Ranch, June 8th meeting, (2). Kane County Public notice and an (3). overview of the 10 point plan (Brad Freeman Presentation) are available in the three pdf files referenced below:

Description Release VersionDate
Kane, June 8, 2021 Fire Protection Meeting (August 9 Protest)R 1.0 V1.0April 23, 20, 2021
Fire Chief Powerpoint Presentation for June 8th meetingJune 8th
Kane County Public Notice AnnexationAugust 9th
Land Owner Questions AnnexationJune 8th
Fire Protection Documents

EZSSD implementation of a Fire Department is under the umbrella of this state organization:
